Battle of Blenheim, 1704, in the War of the Spanish Succession

A historical simulation

Por André Geraque Kiffer

Código del libro: 672985


Historia, Juegos, Ciencias Sociales

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The War of the Spanish Succession, fought from July 1701 to September 1714, and triggered by the November 1700 death of Charles II of Spain, was a conflict for control of the Spanish Empire between his heirs, Philip of Anjou – grandson of the French king. Louis XIV – and Archduke Charles of Austria. August 13, 1704, the battle of Blenheim occurred ahead of the town of Höchstädt, occupied by the Frankish Bavarian army, hence the French name for the battle. It was one of the battles that changed the course of the war, which until then had favored the French and Spanish Bourbons. In the battle simulation, I will try to correct the flaws presented in the historical analysis, testing improvements in the maneuvers. And then we will prove which maneuver will prevail, both being instructed with the best and maximum effort.


Número de páginas 60
Edición 1 (2024)
Idioma Inglés

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Habla con el autor

André Geraque Kiffer

Coronel do Exército.

Bacharel em Ciências Militares, pela Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras, Resende - RJ (1982).

Doutor em Ciências Militares, pós-graduação universitária stricto sensu, pela Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (1999-2000).

MBA Executivo, pós-graduação lato sensu, pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (2008).

Metodologia da Pesquisa em Ciências Militares, pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (2009).

Bacharel em História pela Universidade Estácio (2019).

Casado com Leila Cristina de Paiva Kiffer, com quem tem dois filhos, Vitor de Paiva Kiffer e Eduardo de Paiva Kiffer.

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