Study of the Letter to the Galatians

Por Steven van de Berg

Código del libro: 417815


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The letter to the Galatians is known as the Christian declaration of independence, because it explains in detail to Christians that the Mosaic law and the demands of Jewish customs were not to be applied, because now, with Christ, there was a new standard of conduct to be followed, a new system under which we live: The System Of Grace.

Paul's letter to the Galatians is known as the "Great Letter of Christian Freedom" because its main theme is the freedom of the Christian in Christ. In Galatians, Paul defends the Gospel against the Jewish Christian intruders in Galatia, who claimed that Galatians had to become Jews first in order to become Christians. Paul, in turn, responds by defending justification by faith and life in the Spirit, proving that God accepts Gentiles on the basis of faith in the Messiah.

The letter is divided into three parts: 1) Paul defends his apostleship (Gal 1-2); 2) Paul defends the doctrine of justification by faith (Gal 3-4); 3) practical exhortations (Gal 5-6)[1] The letter to the Galatians is different from the other letters written by the apostle Paul. It was not written to a specific person, nor to a specific church, but to a group of churches, "the churches of Galatia."


Número de páginas 0
Edición 1 (2022)
Idioma Inglés

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