Código del libro: 209863


Ficción, Ficção e Romance, Colecciones literarias, Aventura, Legal, Romance

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Hamilton Castardo’s latest legal thriller takes the reader to the underworld of crime and depicts precious themes of our time, as the internal struggle of each individual with personal justice and thoughts on life and death.

Massimo lived in New Virginia with his parents. He belonged to a happy family. One of the best in town, his family set the example for everyone who believed in justice and in society. A tragic event tore Massimo’s family apart. He was tormented and in need of oblivion. The will for revenge and justice consumed him and forced an unexpected condition upon him.

Keeping the criminals behind bars was not enough anymore. What is the worth of justice? What would you do if you were the judge and could execute capital punishment for hideous crimes? A daring question with an incisive and thrilling answer in this novel of Hamilton Castardo.


Número de páginas 240
Edición 1 (2016)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabado Tapa blanda (con solapas)
Coloración Blanco y negro
Tipo de papel Offset 80g
Idioma Inglés

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Habla con el autor


Hamilton Castardo é professor universitário, mestre em Direito, bacharel em Administração de Empresas, poeta e escritor, nascido na cidade de Jundiaí, SP. Palestrante. Cresceu no meio de livros os quais leu intensamente, levando-o a criar o seu próprio mundo cultural, despertado pela sua fértil imaginação e criatividade.

Dedicou sua adolescência à leitura de livros clássicos e histórias em quadrinhos.

É membro da Academia Limeirense de Letras – ALLe. Hamilton Castardo vive em Limeira, São Paulo.

Site oficial: www.hamiltoncastardo.com


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